Sunday, February 24, 2013

WHOOOOO!!! Animation stuffs! I did head turns of both of my film characters, just to give their designs a... spin! BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *wipes a tear* I crack myself up...

Girl-head turn from Amanda Candler on Vimeo.

Old man head turn from Amanda Candler on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Here are some of my favorite gestures from this year so far. Yeah, a lot- I know, but 1) consider how many BAD ones I drew to get this many that I liked! and 2) I figure I don't post a lot here, so I should post a lot of something... yeah... Enjoy?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pipeline test

How the heck does ROMANIA beat out the UK for more viewers of my blog?! WHAT THE-?!?! Who's in ROMANIA?!

Anyway... *ahem* Here is a blog-exclusive: my pipeline test for my third year film. I worked on this basically all weekend. And after all was said and done, and even after Steve Hickner (Dreamworks Animation director and producer) complimented it, I have discovered that it is EXACTLY what I DON'T want my finished film to look like...


Regardless, here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Pipeline test- colored from Amanda Candler on Vimeo.